O Holy Night

minimalist Christmas tree and decorated mantel in living room in roundup of religious instagram capt...
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14 Religious Christmas Instagram Caption Ideas That Will Warm The Heart

It comes but once a year.

by Romper Staff
Originally Published: 

We all get so caught up in the holiday festivities that many of us forget the original reason that we celebrate Christmas. If you would like to pay tribute to the day’s religious origin, you can observe this holiday by posting a religious Christmas caption on your Instagram that will emphasize how you are celebrating December 25 this year.

A bible verse or a quote from British author C.S Lewis — he is also known for being a devout Christian — are good sources of inspiration if you're looking for a caption with a religious angle. Christmas carols also offer plenty of inspiration. We chose a few that offer a lovely reminder of the holiday’s original meaning and message.

The beauty of these lines is they can go with almost any beautiful Christmas photo, from a scene of your family to a festive tree.

1“May you have a blessed Christmas season and may the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of His love be yours.” — Unknown

A lovely reminder for anyone who draws faith from the season and reminder that the story of the birth of Jesus is one of hope and peace.

2“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great joy!” — Matthew 2:10

This would be great caption on a family Christmas Eve picture, especially if it’s outside or in front of the decorated tree.

3“Silent night, holy night.”


‘Silent Night’ is an undeniably beautiful Christmas carol about the night Jesus was born. It will be instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with seasonal carols, and a lovely reminder of the peace and joy the holiday season brings.

4"The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence."

Because receiving gifts isn't the only thing that the Christmas holiday is about.

5"Oh come let us adore him."

A reminder that the Christmas story centers on a baby’s birth and the many who came to witness what they believed was a miracle.

6"They looked up and saw a star."

Icy Macload/Moment/Getty Images

This quote from 'The First Noel' is a reminder that many people share their hopes, dreams, and wishes with a glance at the stars, and this is especially true during the holiday season.

7"Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world." -C.S. Lewis

Jesus’s humble origins in the stories of his birth are a potent reminder to many to remember that goodness and hope can be found in unexpected places.

8"The gift Christmas is God with us."

There are those who have all the resources in the world to buy whatever gifts they like for all their friends and family, and there are those who don't have that financial freedom. Either way, community and the ability to believe in something is a gift in itself.

9“May His love shine brightly on you and yours during this Holiday season.”

A simple way to share what the season means to you.

10“May your Christmas be filled with joy & gratitude because of all that Christ has given you.”

SanyaSM/E+/Getty Images

Thanksgiving is the traditional holiday for naming all we’re grateful for, but why not add a few on Christmas?

11"He appeared and the soul felt it's worth."

Another line from beloved Christmas carol, this time ‘O Holy Night.’

12"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me."

The smallest gestures can go a long way, and the holidays are a wonderful time to spread kindness.

13"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." — Luke 2:14

When the angels appeared to the shepherds watching over their flock near the manger where Jesus was born, they announced the holy baby’s birth with these words.

14"God loves you." — John 3:16

The simplest expression of the season for those who hold its meaning close.

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