Mother's Day

43 First Mother’s Day Instagram Captions
Because this one is extra special
On Mother’s Day, you can count on a few things: for there to be zero reservations left at any good brunch restaurant, for there to be a last-minute rush on gift cards at any spa, and for Instagram to be flooded with photos and captions celebrating moms. If you want to show some love on social media for the new mom in your life this year (whether it’s a sister, bestie, or yourself), you’ll need a heartwarming photo and a really good first Mother’s Day Instagram caption to go with it. Finding a picture probably won’t be difficult at all, but coming up with a caption might not be as easy, so feel free to borrow one from this list.
First Mother’s Day Instagram Captions to Post Yourself
There’s no reason you can’t celebrate yourself on Instagram on Mother’s Day. In fact, it’s a nice way to reflect on the day and how different it is for you now that you’re a mom. Coming up with the right words, however, may not be easy (especially if you’re sleep-deprived), so here are some captions to use.
- As a new mom, Mother’s Day has a whole new meaning and I’m so happy to be part of the club.
- I plan on spending my first Mother’s Day catching up on sleep, and I wish nothing but the same for my fellow new moms.
- I have never been more exhausted, overwhelmed, or full of self-doubt in my life. But, I’ve also never felt so much love, felt such a fierce instinct to protect, or felt more whole. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms.
- I am so lucky to be this baby’s mom.
- Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mamas out there, I am thrilled that I got to join the club.
- I have never been more exhausted or more in love than I am now that I am a mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
- After not drinking throughout pregnancy, I plan to thoroughly enjoy every drop of my first Mother’s Day cocktail.
- Thank you, [baby’s name] for choosing me to be your mom.
- As happy as I am to get to celebrate Mother’s Day as a mom myself this year, I have also never been more appreciative of my own mom and the love she has for me (I finally get it).
- Anyone else spending their first Mother’s Day crying while scrolling through pictures of their growing baby? Asking for a friend.
- This is my new favorite holiday to celebrate.
- Happy Mother’s Day to *me.* I’m kind of the best.
Sweet First Mother’s Day Instagram captions
Whether she’s your partner, best friend, daughter, or someone you admire, if she’s a new mom she will love nothing more than to open Instagram on her first Mother’s Day and see a post dedicated to her in her new role. If she’s someone who prefers sweet messages, here are some first Mother’s Day Instagram captions that may be fitting for her.
- Watching her become a parent has been a true joy, and I am so happy to celebrate her this Mother’s Day.
- Happy Mother’s Day to the mom who manages to make it look easy (even though it’s really, really not).
- She’s sacrificed so much to be the amazing mom she is, and we are so lucky to have her.
- Cheers to this incredible mama on her first Mother’s Day
- Happy Mother’s Day to our family’s rock. We’d be lost without you.
- This woman is good at a lot of things, but in only X months, she’s proven that being a mom is one of the things she’s best at.
- Wishing a very happy first Mother’s Day to the woman our baby can hardly take their eyes off.
- Happy first Mother’s Day to this superhero of a mom.
- Here’s to the first of many Mother’s Day celebrations honoring this amazing woman.
- Happy first Mother’s Day to [name]. I can only hope our baby turns out to be as incredible as you are.
Funny Instagram Captions for Mom’s First Mother’s Day
Not every mom is the sentimental type. With one of these funny first Mother’s Day Instagram captions, you can still celebrate her online without making her cringe.
- She’s not a regular new mom, she’s a cool new mom.
- Mom jeans have never looked so good. Happy first Mother’s Day.
- I hope this Mother’s Day breakfast in bed makes up for all of the sleep deprivation our baby has caused since their birth.
- Happy first Mother’s Day, [name]. Please enjoy this mimosa carefully, as your tolerance today is much lower than it was pre-baby.
- In exchange for you carrying, laboring, and delivering our baby, here is a bouquet of flowers. We’re even now, right? Just kidding: happy first Mother’s Day. You’re killing it as a mom.
- To start off her first Mother’s Day right, I brought her a cup of coffee and took the baby so she could finish it while it was still hot. A true gift.
- This lady right here makes new motherhood look good. Happy Mother’s Day, [name].
- Happy first Mother’s Day to a legend who is raising a mini legend.
- For your first Mother’s Day, I promise to let you pull the “I delivered and carried your child” card any time you’d like for the rest of our lives.
- Happy first Mother’s Day, [name]. You make leggings, messy buns, and spit-up covered shirts look sexy.
Mother’s Day Instagram Captions for Pregnant Mom
Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who is, quite literally, carrying the team.
- You became a mom with a positive pregnancy test, and I am so happy to celebrate you this Mother’s Day.
- Happy first Mother’s Day to [name]. Your swollen feet can have as many massages as you want today.
- This baby has no idea how lucky it is to have you as a mom. Happy first Mother’s Day.
- Happy first Mother’s Day, [name]. Today, may your nausea be minimal and your pregnancy naps be refreshing.
- Every flutter you feel in your belly today is your little one wishing you a very happy first Mother’s Day.
- There’s no way I can put into words how grateful I am that this woman is carrying our baby. Happy first Mother’s Day, [name].
- Pregnancy and motherhood look good on you. Happy first Mother’s Day.
- Watching you care for this baby before they’re even born makes me so excited for what’s to come. Happy Mother’s Day.
- Happy first Mother’s Day to this beautiful mom-to-be.
- Happy first Mother’s Day. Enjoy this now because next year you’ll probably get less sleep.
That first Mother’s Day just hits different, and what an honor it is to celebrate the new title of “Mom.”
This article was originally published on