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Why Are My Boobs Hard? Cause They're Definitely Not Full Of Milk

by Sarah Bunton

Whether you're experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS), on your period, pregnant, a new mom, or breastfeeding, it seems like your body never really stops changing. Pretty much from the moment you hit puberty, the universe enjoys sending you curve balls in the form of painful cramps, random body hair, and sore breasts. You're definitely not alone if you've asked yourself, "why are my boobs hard?" Though this certainly ranks low on the list of embarrassing body questions to have, it still might not be one you're totally comfortable talking about. Thankfully, there is an ample amount of information to explain the various reasons why your breasts might feel the way that they do.

Whether you're menstruating, breastfeeding, or dealing with something malignant in your breast, there are several reasons why your boobs might be hard, on varying degrees of severity. First off, if you're anything like I am, you want to rule out any of the more serious possibilities. As Christina Chun, a specialist in clinical oncology trials at the University of California, told Healthline, "most commonly, a cancerous lump in the breast is painless, has irregular edges, and doesn't move when pushed." If your breasts are hard or swollen, but don't meet any of the prior criteria listed, you're probably safe. Of course, self-diagnosis is not an adequate substitute for medical testing, so you should always check with your physician just to be sure.

If you've ruled out serious health issues, there are still plenty of totally normal things that can cause your breasts to harden. Gynecologist Dr. Sara Gottfried told Health, "during menstruation, breasts may feel lumpier as milk glands enlarge in preparation for a possible pregnancy." Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and your menstrual cycle can both cause changes in the way your breasts feel. Increased tenderness, swelling, and hardening are completely common symptoms associated with the hormonal changes experienced during your period.

If you're pregnant, hard boobs are par for the course. I used to think that my breasts would only start to change once I got closer to giving birth. Since I equated breast fullness with breastfeeding, I was surprised to feel a tightness in my chest during the first trimester. "During pregnancy the mammary tissue develops to make room for and to produce milk," International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Leigh Anne O'Connor tells Romper. "Also, if the birth is medicated either by Cesarean or epidural, the breasts are typically harder from the intravenous fluids." Since every woman is different, there really isn't a rule for when your breasts will begin to feel hard, if at all, during pregnancy or shortly after delivering.

If you're breastfeeding or have recently given birth, you probably already know that your breast have undergone significant changes. According to the medical experts at Baby Center, during the postpartum period, breasts can become hard, engorged, and larger due to the sudden influx of breast milk or your milk ducts might actually be obstructed. However, if the hardness is accompanied by pain, and it doesn't go away on its own, then you should reach out to your physician. It's also a good idea to discuss breast-related issues with your OB-GYN, delivery room staff, doula, or lactation consultant.

One of the best ways to catch potential health risks is to be familiar with your body. After all, how will you know if something is out of the ordinary if you don't know how your breasts typically feel? With that in mind, you might want to check out the super quick and easy breast self-exam method the official website for the National Breast Cancer Foundation has provided. Thankfully, in almost all of these instances, the hardness in your breasts isn't a permanent change and your breast tissue should be back to its typical softness in no time at all.