
toddler girl picking pumpkin in farm
These 20 Instagram Captions About Fall Will Inspire Your Pumpkin-Spiced Soul

by Shana Aborn
Originally Published: 

When the ice cream trucks stop patrolling the streets, street lights appear earlier in the evening, and hot pumpkin lattes replace the cold lemonade and berry brews, you know summer is becoming a distant memory. Celebrate the new season by posting a relatable Instagram caption about fall that captures the feelings so many of us share.

My social media feeds right now are starting to fill up with photos of leaves changing colors, friends' children posing for school pictures, and countdowns to Halloween. There are the inevitable pro-and-con arguments over the ubiquitous fall flavor (also known as Pumpkin Spice Lovers and People Who Are Simply Wrong). A few intrepid souls also delight in reminding us just how close we are to Christmas. I say, bring on all of them. It's fun, harmless, and a nice tonic for the endless run of dismal headlines that also crowd our pages.

Even if you're a die-hard fan of summer, it's hard to deny the appeal of leaf-peeping, apple-picking, corn maze-navigating, cozy sweaters, comforting soups, trick-or-treating, and Thanksgiving feasting. Happily, there are plenty of autumn-themed Insta captions to sum up the season that will strike a chord with all your followers. Read on to find the one that's perfect for you.

1"Channel the flannel."

The classic fall fabric is as comforting as a steaming bowl of butternut squash soup. This is the caption for you if you live in your buffalo plaid shirt every weekend.

2"If you don't like fall, you can leaf me alone."

Pun lovers will fall (ha! Get it?) for this autumnal play on words. Let the beachy types sigh about the passing of summer as they pack away their t-shirts. You've been so ready for fall since about mid-July.

3"My favorite color is October."

Mother Nature is the ultimate color coordinator at this time of year. A just-right caption for all of us who never get tired of seeing the glorious sight of gold, red, orange, and yellow leaves against a pure blue sky.

4"Sorry for what I said when I didn't have my pumpkin spice latte."

Tristan Fewings/Getty Images News/Getty Images

It's hard to recall a time before PSLs overtook apple cider as the drink for autumn — how did we ever survive? Those of us who rely on the brew to get through our September-through-November mornings can relate to this quote. We can't be held responsible for our pre-caffeine actions.

5"You're never too old to play in the leaves."

Is your autumn feed full of pics of you and the kids raking the yard, then messing up your neat pile with a leaf fight? Pop this caption under your album and show the world that you'll always be a kid at this time of year.

6"The first day of fall means sweating in my favorite sweater."

Who cares if the thermometer says 83 degrees, and the leaves in your area are still bright green? The calendar says it's equinox time, and by golly, you're going to wear your fall wardrobe no matter what. (Besides, the air conditioner is still on in your office.)

7"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." L.M. Montgomery

A caption for every reader who still treasures their well-worn copy of Anne of Green Gables. This quote from the book captures both the splendor of the season and Anne Shirley's exuberant love of all things beautiful.

8"Stressed, blessed, pumpkin obsessed."

A cute variation on the well-known "Too Blessed to Be Stressed" saying. Who says you can't count your blessings and your pumpkins along with your woes? You could also put the whole family in autumn-themed clothes on your trip to the harvest festival, and change the caption to "Dressed, blessed, pumpkin obsessed."

9"Orange you pumped for Halloween?"

VCG/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Some folks love fall mainly because of a certain boo-tiful holiday that comes at the end of October. (A friend of mine spends most of the month decking out her house in Halloween style.) Sounds like you? Then use this caption along with a picture of your witch and jack-o-lantern lawn inflatables.

10"The only thing getting 'lit' this weekend are my fall-scented candles."

You're the one who could spend all day sniffing and comparing the seasonal candles at Bath & Body Works and White Barn. (Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, Leaves, Sweater Weather, or Fresh Apple Pie? Decisions, decisions... ) Let everyone else hit the bars on Saturday night. You'll be chilling with a mug of cider by the glow of your Cinnamon Spiced Vanilla.

11"There are three things I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin."

A caption for anyone who never misses It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown every October. For 53 years, families have delighted in the Halloween adventures of the "Peanuts" gang. (I keep hoping that one of these days, Charlie Brown will get a candy bar instead of a rock.) Among the great quotes in the cartoon is this one by Linus; we'd all do well to follow his advice.

12"Autumn is the season to find contentment at home by paying attention to what we already have."

This anonymous quote is a good caption for everyone who finds themselves becoming more peaceful and inner-centered at this time of year. Somehow, the quiet beauty of nature seems to seep into our very soul and remind us of our blessings.

13"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns." George Eliot

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Author Eliot's stunning imagery could make anyone want to be that world-traveling bird. A fitting caption for anyone who studies foliage calendars and plans their leaf-peeping trips according to region.

14"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." F. Scott Fitzgerald

Forget January 1. Autumn is the time that really seems like a time of renewal and change. (The Jewish New Year occurs in the fall, and it seems quite fitting.) A caption for everyone who feels that sense of purpose and excitement returning along with the cool weather.

15"My blood type is pumpkin spice."

Who cares if it doesn't actually contain pumpkin? The combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, and ginger has been used for decades to flavor foods both with and without the orange gourd, according to Chicagoist. Then Starbucks introduced the Pumpkin Spice Latte in 2003, and the heavens rejoiced. Use this caption with a selfie of you and your favorite cup.

16"I hate when summer ends. Fall is evil. Pumpkin spiced evil."

Yes, there are people who dread the end of warm weather and who don't get into seasonal coffees and roasted corn. If you're one of them, that's okay. You deserve a voice, too. Stand up to the apple-and-pumpkin crowd with this caption, and stay strong in the face of all the frown emojis.

17"I'm a-maized we escaped!"

Kevin Moloney/Getty Images News/Getty Images

For many families, autumn isn't complete without at least one attempt to zigzag their way through a mass of cornstalks. Did you manage to get through the whole maze and complete all the rubbings before the kids started to whine? Celebrate your victory with a photo and this caption.

18"I love fall a latte."

Another coffee-related caption? Why not? After all, we're in the season when iced tea and chilled coffee give way to warm beverages. It's all about the comfort, so use this caption if you're unapologetic about your love of steamed-milk goodness.

19"Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars up above in your eyes. A fantabulous night to make romance, 'neath the cover of October skies." Van Morrison

Buddhika Weerasinghe/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Summer lovin' is all well and good, but autumn is even better for romance. (Fire pits! Snuggling under blankets! Walks in the sunset!) This lovely autumn-themed song by Van Morrison is a perfect caption for a photo of you and your honey.

20"It's November 1, and you know what that means: Time to put up my Christmas decorations!"

Finally, here's a caption for everyone who does their holiday shopping before Black Friday and spends their July watching Hallmark's Christmas movies. As soon as you finish handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters, you're ready to hang up the wreaths and icicle lights. For you, fall is just a lead-in to the season where you really shine.

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