
5 Ways Working Out May Actually Harm Your Health
by Autumn Jones

With so work out options available today, you could easily exercise your way through the week. You could bounce between gyms, trying everything from CrossFit to cardio dance class to hot yoga. Although keeping up a regular exercise schedule can have multiple benefits, it's not something you can jump into without preparation. In fact, there are many ways working out may be harmful to your health.

I know, it sounds backwards. Exercise is supposed to be all good, right? Well, when done appropriately, and within certain boundaries, working out is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body. You'll feel better, sleep better, and feel less stressed when you keep up regular exercise. But there are some common workout mistakes and traps that lead to injuries and other medical conditions, such as osteoporosis. Doing certain exercises with improper form or not knowing when enough is enough can lead to long term problems that can undo some of the positives from exercise you worked so hard to gain.

Before you start a new work out, or continue with your current one, check in with yourself to see if you are participating in any of these five ways working out may actually be harming your health.


Running Too Much

When it comes to running, more may not always be better. In fact, Time reported that excessive runners had the same morality rate as sedentary people. The problem, researchers found, is related to the speed and frequency people run each week. It seems the sweet spot for running is a moderate pace, three times a week.


Forgetting About Your Core

Abdominal exercises aren't the only time you should have your core engaged during your workout. According to Women's Health, neglecting to activate your core can result in injury. This happens because the back muscles are forced to take on the extra work. Keeping the proper form and engaging the core will help prevent workout related injuries.


Overusing One Muscle Group

Keeping a diverse workout routine is good for your body because it can help prevent overuse injury. As Mayo Clinic pointed out, injuries occur when certain muscle groups are overloaded with activity. The problem occurs because the repetitive use leads to trauma for the muscles, joints, and tendons.


Overdosing On Exercise

Although regular exercise boasts a long list of benefits, crossing that line into too much exercise, can lead to some serious health concerns. According to Psychology Today, women can endure many negative effects of over exercising. Aside from being at risk of disordered eating patterns, women who exercise longer and more frequently than their bodies need increase the likelihood of amenorrhea (loss of a period) and osteoporosis.


Strength Training Every Day

To stay away from injuries, your body needs time to recover if you strength train. Women's Health recommended taking two days off for light cardio or yoga each week. This will give your muscles the recovery time it needs and diversify your workout as well.

Images: Greg Westfall/Flickr; Giphy (5)