
How Your Vag Embarrasses You During Pregnancy Sex

by Sarah Hosseini

Sex while pregnant is probably going to be different than what you're used to, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Your belly grows, and you have to experiment with different positions (a pregnant woman must be comfortable). Your boobs and vagina change as well, which can make things pretty interesting and, at times, mortifying. Hopefully, you'll find the embarrassing things that happen to your vagina when you have sex while pregnant aren't all that embarrassing. Rather, they're just unfamiliar and generally nothing to be alarmed about either.

Pregnancy sex can be very different and, at times, scary. But the only thing to fear is fear itself, right? According to Baby Center, sex while pregnant is completely safe. As explained on the site, as long as you have a normal and healthy pregnancy, intercourse it totally OK. Your baby will not "feel it" in so far as anything poking, although they may be put to sleep by the motions. Most changes that happen to the vagina (even if they're bizarre looking and feeling) during pregnancy are completely normal and should not inhibit you from having sex if you desire.

Here are nine embarrassing (but totally normal) things that happen to your vagina when you have sex while pregnant.


It's Really Wet

If you're having penetrating intercourse while pregnant, be prepared for a possible slip and slide event. You can thank pregnancy hormones and estrogen for an increase in vaginal discharge, according to What To Expect. Many pregnant women also experience leukorrhea, which is a more gooey, milky, white discharge that's similar to the discharge you get in between periods, as explained on the same site. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, it just might make things between the sheets a little more slick.


It Might Have A New Odor & Taste

Leukkhorea can be really fun for sex, but it can also get kind of strange. Mainly because the discharge can carry a metallic odor (or taste, if you're engaging in oral sex) that you and your partner might notice, according to the aforementioned What To Expect post.

As long as it doesn't have a foul odor, you're in the clear. If your discharge does smell really bad, and it has more of a green, yellow, and cheese appearance - that might be a sign of an infection for which you should be seen by a medical provider as soon as possible.


It Might Fart

Chances are you've got a lot of gas escaping your pregnant body. Farts, burps, and yes, vagina farts. The truth is, you might blow wind from your lady parts while you're trying to get it on. So sexy, right?

Don't despair, this is a common thing to happen to pregnant women. According to Parents, a trapped pocket of air in the vagina can get pushed out during sex. It's not clear why it happens a lot during pregnancy, but experts note that it might be related to your growing belly, different sex positions that you may be trying, exercise, and really over-worked pelvic floor muscles.


It Might Bleed

Spotting during your first trimester from sex or from even a Pap smear is totally normal, according to Parents. As explained in the article, doctors see spotting in about 30 percent of pregnant women. No one's sure why this happens, but many believe the increase in blood volume in a pregnant woman's body is the cause.


It Might Be Blue

All throughout your pregnancy, your blood volume is steadily increasing, according to Healthline. More blood will be flowing to your pelvis, and may start giving your vulva a bluish-purplish hue. According to Parents, this hyperpigmentation is called Chadwick's Sign, and it's one of the first signs of early pregnancy. It's totally harmless, and does not mean you have to abstain from sex. It usually happens in the first six to eight weeks and goes away.


It Might Be Enlarged

Don't worry that you did anything wrong to your vagina or your baby if you notice your lady parts are swollen, or frankly, huge. Many women feel like their vaginas are swollen and heavy during pregnancy.

According to Trimester Talk, a bigger than normal vagina is caused by the increased blood supply in the pregnant body. Having a bigger vagina can be shocking at first, maybe even to your partner, but overall, it's OK. As explained on the same site, sometimes a swollen vagina during pregnancy is caused by vulvar varicosities, which are varicose veins in the vagina that you might not be able to see. If you suspect this condition, it's best that you call your doctor right away.


It Might Have Ingrown Hairs

Chances are, your mane is benefiting greatly from pregnancy hormones. Unfortunately, sometimes we can't control where the hair grows and how it grows.

According to the same Parents article above, the increase in estrogen makes all of the hair on your body, including your pubic hair, grow exponentially. Couple that, with the fact that pregnant women produce more sweat and dead cells, thanks to a surge in progesterone and voila - you have the perfect environment for an ingrown hair to form. Sweat and skin are what get clogged in your sebaceous glands, which results in ingrown hairs and possibly on your vagina. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, and if anything, it could be taken as a sign that your hormones are doing exactly what they should be doing.


It Might Leak Urine

A bladder with a lot of pressure on it, does not discriminate when it leaks. According to What To Expect urinary incontinence during pregnancy is entirely normal and can happen when you laugh, cough, sneeze, strain, or exercise (ahem, sex is exercise). Between the discharge, spotting, and possible pee, it's probably just best if you bring a towel with you over to the bed if you're worried about the mess.


It May Be Super Sensitive

The surge in estrogen not only makes your vagina pretty damp, it makes it very sensitive. As mentioned above, estrogen during pregnancy causes blood to flow more to the pelvis. According to Baby Center, this could go one of two ways: your sex drive goes out of this universe and you experience multiple orgasms, or you have decreased libido and don't want anyone or anything touching your lady parts.

No matter which way this goes, there's nothing to blush about or be ashamed about. The key to having safe and pleasurable sex during pregnancy is to just go with the flow. Your body is changing, including your vagina, and there may be some surprises along the way. Some might seem mortifying at the time, but as long as you keep in mind all of the amazing things your body is doing while growing a human — there's truly nothing to be embarrassed about.