
9 Everyday Habits That Are Making You Tired

by Lindsay E. Mack

For many people, simply staying alert for the entire day is something of a chore. Feeling constantly exhausted and run-down is the norm. But as it turns out, there are some everyday habits that make you feel tired. With a few lifestyle adjustments, that all-day feeling of fatigue may finally go away. Maybe you won't need that fourth cup of coffee just to survive.

Although feeling tired may sound like a simple complaint, chronic fatigue is something of an epidemic. In three U.S.-based companies, 76 percent of the employees reportedly felt tired for most of the work week, according to The Virgin Pulse Institute. Feeling tired all the time can not only affect productivity at work, but also hamper most every other aspect of a person's life.

Figuring out the cause of this seemingly endless fatigue is important. First, there are some underlying medical problems that can show up as fatigue, according to Bustle. So if you have any concerns about feeling tired all the time, then it's a good idea to have a checkup with your doctor first. But in many cases, constant feelings of fatigue can be remedied with a few lifestyle changes, according to Medical News Today. Here are a few tips that might help you overcome that all-day feeling of fogginess.


Getting Dehydrated

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Don't ignore that water bottle. Sometimes, fatigue is a sign of dehydration, according to WebMD. "A lot of people are walking around in a mild state of dehydration," said registered dietician Susan Kleiner in Redbook. "When you feel thirsty, you've already lost 2 to 3 percent of your body fluid." Although exact hydration needs will vary from person to person, males generally require 15.5 cups of fluid a day, whereas females need about 11.5 cups of fluids daily, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Playing On The Phone Or Tablet Before Bedtime

Granted, playing on your phone for a few minutes can feel like a great way to unwind from the day. But it could be upsetting your rest. Using light-emitting devices before bedtime may delay the onset of sleep, disrupt the REM sleep cycles, and lead to more drowsiness the next day, according to a 2015 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Giving yourself an hour or so of screen-free time before bed may help prevent these issues.


Staying Indoors All Day

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Getting out in nature may help reset your body's internal clock in a way. For instance, simply getting exposure to sunlight can help regulate the body's sleep cycle and increase daytime energy, according to Healthline. Even a quick walk around the block on a sunny day might help your body wake up.


Skipping Workouts

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Prioritizing workouts can lead to increased energy levels. "It may seem that if you are tired, exercising may not be a great option. But the exact opposite is true. You may be tired because you aren’t exercising," wrote clinical exercise physiologist Heather Leusink of the Williamson Medical Center. Thanks to increased endorphins and sounder sleep, regular exercise can help fight daytime fatigue.


Drinking Caffeine Late Into The Day

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If you're struggling through the midday slump, then of course reaching for the coffee pot feels like a great idea. However, consuming caffeine even 6 hours prior to bedtime may have a significantly harmful effect on your sleep, according to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. The bad night's sleep can set you up for another drowsy spell the next day. Stopping your caffeine consumption around noon can help break this cycle.


Skipping Veggies & Fruits

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Don't neglect those leafy greens. Foods such as spinach, kale, and even papaya are all good sources of energy, according to HuffPost. If you need a little inspiration, check out the amazing (and non-boring) salad recipes from Bustle. Really, the Mediterranean chopped salad looks so good.


Neglecting Downtime

Can you add some chill time into your schedule? "The 24/7 push to be efficient and productive can wear you out physically and emotionally. Your brain needs downtime," said Alice Domar, Ph.D., in Redbook. Give yourself time to look at silly memes, goof off with the kids, or do literally nothing every now and then.


Breathing Shallowly

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Simply changing your breathing habits may be energizing. If you're in the habit of shallow breathing, then learning how to breathe more deeply may help decrease fatigue, according to Magnolia Physical Therapy. If you need help, there's a guide for learning how to breathe more deeply on Elite Daily. Whether you switch up your bedtime routine or simply focus more on breathing throughout the day, it's possible to make new habits that support a more energetic day.