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9 Hilarious Tweets That Totally Sum Up Thanksgiving As A New Mom

by Lindsay E. Mack

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with friends and family. If you were pregnant last year, it was probably the breeziest, most relaxing Thanksgiving celebrated yet as no one let you lift a finger. But once that baby pops out, the holiday becomes a whole other obstacle. As these hilarious Thanksgiving tweets for new moms reveal, you're not the only new parent that's feeling overwhelmed on turkey day.

Sure, plenty of people find the holidays stressful, but this stress is taken to a whole different level when your newborn enters the picture. If you're breastfeeding, good luck maneuvering a feasting baby on your boob and a plate full of your favorite holiday fixins. Plus you'll probably pass on the holiday booze. Oh, and trying to find a private place to nurse in a crowded holiday home can become a chore all on its own. Then there are all the relatives who will likely ask super-personal questions about your parenting style and when you're going to have another. Seriously: can the first baby hit the one-year mark before people start pestering you to have a second one?

Thankfully, you can find solidarity in the experiences of other moms. All across the country, new moms are dealing with the same Thanksgiving issues from nosey relatives to mid-meal crying jags. Most everyone has the same general experience: It's hard to play hostess, cook, and socialize when all you want is to do is put your baby down for a nap and take a snooze break yourself. For many new moms, turkey day is for the birds.


Total Fiasco

Thanksgiving is bound to come with its own share of mishaps. Hopefully yours won't be as bad as this mom's, though. Did anyone offer her help after this spill? It sounds terrible.


Upside-Down Turkey

True story: I've cooked chickens upside-down before. Hey, poultry can be confusing to those of us who aren't skilled in the kitchen. Add in the demands of a newborn and a busy house full of people and of course something is bound to go wrong.


Where Have You Been?

Showing off your little one to a whole new set of people can be fun, provided those people know how to gently handle a baby, and that you're comfortable with them. Also, think of it as a free baby-sitting session.


In High Demand

Plenty of people get pulled in all directions for Thanksgiving, but it's especially tough for new moms. As soon as you have a baby, your company is in high demand for every holiday gathering. It might be time to force your parents to get along so that you don't have to schlep all over the state. You just had a baby so you can ask for whatever you want.


Baby Perks

Making new mom friends can be such a joy. Making new mom friends who invite you over to their place for Thanksgiving and volunteer to cook for? Even better. Spending the holiday with fellow new mom friends will likely be chill and relaxed, which is just what you need with a newborn in tow.



Do it because Bernadette told you so! If you need a nap, take a nap. One of your two dozen assorted relatives should be happy to watch the baby for a few minutes.


A Little Help, Please?

It does sound pretty hilarious when you picture it. But wait, why is the new mom making Thanksgiving? Hopefully you'll only host the dinner this year if it's something you really enjoy and feel up to doing.


New Rules

A newborn baby has no patience for your holiday traditions. Maybe you're not stuffing yourself as usual because you're trying to lose the baby weight, or because you're so busy taking care of your new bundle that you just don't have the privilege of being mega chill this year. Either way, pack some leftovers


Straight Talk

At least this post doesn't sugar-coat anything. Yeah, you'll be overworked and exhausted most likely, but spending the holiday with your baby for the first time is kind of magical in its own way... right?

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