
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Anti-Trump Protests Around The Country Are About Solidarity & First Amendment Rights

by Keiko Zoll

Stronger, Together: That has been former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign slogan and rallying cry for the past year and a half. Even on Wednesday morning, as Clinton gave her concession speech, she encouraged and reminded supporters there is still much work yet to be done, saying, "We need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives." As the nation comes to terms with calling GOP candidate and businessman Donald Trump "President-Elect," the fight has begun. On Wednesday night, anti-Trump protests are happening around the country, if they haven't started already in some cities and communities.

While some might label these anti-Trump protesters as sore losers who are overreacting, it's important to remember that just as every eligible citizen over 18 had the right to vote in Tuesday's election, so too does every single person in America have the "right of people to peacefully assemble." That's line number uno in our country's Bill of Right: It is the founding principal of our nation.

The invocation of that right to peaceful assembly is just as patriotic as stepping up to the ballot booth, as just as American as ushering in the next leader of our country. The "Land of the Free" is more than just a catchy closing line in our nation's anthem: It's what defines our country in the eyes of the world. Our rights to free and fair elections, to peaceful assembly — and the key word here is peaceful — they define what it means to be American.

For any American who seeks to invoke their First Amendment right, speak out against Trump, and believes that love trumps hate, here are just a few of some of the anti-Trump protests and rallies scheduled to take place in six major U.S. cities on Wednesday night.

New York, New York

If you missed Lady Gaga's anti-Trump protest in New York City earlier Wednesday, there are still plenty of opportunities to seek solidarity. There appear to be two major protest events. The first is an anti-Trump rally at Columbus Circle scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The second is an anti-Trump march from Union Square to Trump Tower; protesters should gather at Union Square at 7 p.m. to start the march.

Boston, Massachusetts

It doesn't get any bluer than Massachusetts — minus that whole Republican governor thing right now — and Bostonians are taking their voices to the State House. Expect the Boston Common to be packed Wednesday night: The Boston anti-Trump protest is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Eastern Time.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Anti-Semitic graffiti was discovered Wednesday morning in South Philadelphia, as an unknown vandal spray painted swastikas and the words "Sieg Heil 2016" on a building window. Progressives in the city are determined to "go high" and organize a peaceful protest at the Thomas Paine Plaza in front of City Hall at 7 p.m. Wednesday night.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is host to one of the many Trump Towers throughout the world — and that's exactly where the focus of Chicago's anti-Trump protest will be, starting at 5 p.m. Central Time.

Austin, Texas

If you're in downtown Austin right now — as in like, right now 3 p.m. local time — hundreds of students from the University of Texas, Austin have taken to the streets to voice their dissent over Trump's victory. The UT student-led protest march is proceeding down the Drake Bridge on First Street, blocking traffic across all lanes. As of press time, the protest appears to be peaceful.

Seattle, Washington

There are several anti-Trump protests planned throughout the city of Seattle, building off of peaceful protests on election night. A "Candlelight Vigil for the Soul of America" is scheduled to take place outside of the U.S. Federal Building on Second Avenue in downtown Seattle, starting at 7 p.m. Pacific Time.

If you need to seek solidarity in the wake of one of the most astonishing nights in election history, there are many opportunities for you to join in and protest — and if there isn't one near you, do your part to "help keep up the fight" by organizing a peaceful rally of your own. Remember: Go high, folks.

No matter where you might be protesting, rallying, or holding a vigil tonight — stay woke, stay safe.