
Valerie Chiang/Lifetime

Amber & Dave From 'Married At First Sight' May Not Make It

by Chrissy Bobic

When it comes to romance, reality TV executives sure know how to come up with the most interesting concepts for strangers falling in love. The Bachelor, Bachelorette, and The Proposal all try to get couples to the altar in lightning-fast speeds. But no show arranges marriages quite like Married at First Sight. And sometimes it actually works. Couples like Amber and Dave from Season 7 legitimately seem like they could last, so are Amber and Dave from Married at First Sight still together?

They got married on the Season 7 premiere without ever meeting each other beforehand, like all of the couples on the show. But did it actually work out for them and are they still together after filming? Married at First Sight has featured several pairs of married strangers over the past few seasons and sometimes the process works. Other times, the couples don't make it and resort to divorce.

Not all reality TV couples who meet on TV stay together, so it’s definitely a gamble. So far, of the 18 couples from the first six seasons, just four of them are still married. But those numbers make it seem as though the turnaround rate for singles after the show is extremely high. The whole process of trusting this show to find your soulmate, or at least the most compatible partner, is pretty wild in itself. You can't expect all of these couples to fall madly in love with each other and right now, it could go either way for Dave and Amber from Married at First Sight.

Both Amber and Dave’s respective Instagram accounts are private, so unfortunately, there are no telltale photos available to spoil the end of the season. There were, however, some clear doubts shortly after the wedding took place in the Season 7 premiere. On the one hand, having doubts after getting married can be harmless and even those who were together years before marriage can attest to that. Then again, these people were literal strangers before suddenly becoming spouses. Those doubts could turn into regret and an intense need to get out of the marriage as soon as possible.

For all intents and purposes, Dave and Amber seem compatible on the show. During a recent episode of Married at First Sight: Unfiltered, the couple talked about how they both went to the same gym for years without ever seeing or meeting the other. And really, it seemed to make them both wonder why it had taken so long to come together. Amber did express concern on Married at First Sight when Dave revealed that he’s not as close to his parents as he is to his good friends and their families. But that’s also an issue any couple could have, whether they’ve been together three years or three days.

Although both Amber and Dave’s social media profiles give literally nothing away for fans to dissect, there is one tidbit that Married at First Sight fans on Reddit may have caught. A Redditor by the name of Thebrafitter posted a screenshot from the money-exchanging app Venmo which showed that a possible roommate paid Dave for rent in July. The woman, Shawna Cliff, was also charged for renters’ or homeowners’ insurance and electric by someone else on Venmo who’s also had transactions with Dave. It could just be that Dave and Amber have invited friends into their home to stay for a while as roommates. Or, Dave and Amber called it quits and joined the ranks of other divorced couples from Married at First Sight. And now the new bachelor is living it up, Three’s Company style.

Since there are far more divorces that have come from the show than solid couples, I am inclined to root for them. Here’s hoping that the end of the season will bring some real answers on their fate as a married pair.