

Can I Masturbate After Having An Episiotomy?

by Olivia Youngs

Regardless of what happened during labor and delivery, you have to let your body heal on its own before resuming any and all sexual activity. Which may be difficult if your sex drive returns quicker than expected. If you're one of the few women who hasn't lost that self-loving feeling but also endured an episiotomy while giving birth, then you may be wondering, "can I masturbate after having an episiotomy."

Although the standard recommendation from OB-GYNs is to wait four to six weeks before having sex after a vaginal birth or C-section, sometimes that wait is longer after an episiotomy. According to Baby Center, episiotomies take six weeks or longer to heal, and once your stitches heal you're given the go ahead to have sex.

But what about stimulation of a different kind? If you're like many moms on the mommy forums, you might be ready to get it on before your doctor gives you the green light. And as it turns out, clitoral stimulation is probably completely fine after giving birth, as long as it isn't painful and nothing is being inserted into your vagina.

According to Trimester Talk, clitoral stimulation can be safe and pleasurable after an episiotomy, however you should be very careful to avoid G-spot stimulation or inserting anything into your vagina if there is still lochia discharge (ie. blood.)

Additionally, the article noted that having an orgasm can increase your bleeding or occasionally be painful after giving birth, so only engage in masturbation externally and stick to clitoral only until the pain and bleeding subsides. Listen to your body and don't push yourself to go further than you think you should.

Getting to know your postpartum body is a learning experience in and of itself. Some women have difficulty orgasming after giving birth, while others find it easier with the new rush of hormones. For new moms, especially those who have had episiotomies, their vagina looks and feels differently than it used to. But if you're feeling up to it, masturbation, either alone or with your partner, can be helpful for healing and adjusting to your new postpartum body.