
Do You Taste Different Down There If You're Breastfeeding? Experts Weigh In

by Sarah Bunton

This may not be the kind of question you're eager to ask, but it's likely one that's on your mind nonetheless. It's probably best to just go ahead and get any awkwardness out of the way sooner as opposed to later. So, do you taste different down there if you're breastfeeding? I'll be honest, it's something I'd never really given any thought to, but it definitely gave me pause when I first heard it asked by a pregnant friend. Of all the ways your life can be altered by having a child, this is by far one of the more interesting aspects. Sure, it may not exactly be family dinner conversation material, but this query deserves an answer. Thankfully, plenty of experts have shared the details on how things change down there while women are breastfeeding.

You probably already know that pregnancy and childbirth can change your body in some pretty interesting ways. But did you know that your hormones are affected by breastfeeding, too? No, they do not reset once your baby leaves your body. According to the medical experts at Baby Center, while you're breastfeeding, "the amount of estrogen circulating in your body is far below normal levels, causing vaginal dryness." This itself may not necessarily make you taste different, the drier texture of your vagina can still be an unexpected change from the norm. That's why it's a good idea to keep an open line of communication between you and your sex partner, especially after having a baby. What might have worked for you in the bedroom before could be different than what your body needs now. If something feels uncomfortable or painful, you should definitely speak up.

Interestingly enough, there are actually several factors involved when it comes to how the taste of your vaginal region can be affected while you are breastfeeding. In addition to estrogen and other hormones, breastfeeding alters the bacterial levels. "The pH of the vagina changes," OB-GYN Dr. Katie Bolt told Kid Spot. "This could cause subtle changes in vaginal odor, making it a bit more acidic." Obviously this doesn't mean your partner's tongue will burn off when they head south of the border, but it may mean your nether regions will taste a bit saltier than usual. It all depends on your natural pH levels. In the aforementioned Kid Spot article, Bolt further cautioned that changes in your vaginal acidity can make you more susceptible to bacterial infections. So if you notice any discomfort, along with a difference in odor, you should probably check with your physician to rule out possible infections. The last thing you want to do is power through the pain when it could actually be an easily diagnosed and treatable vaginal infection.

Aside from hormones and pH levels, it turns out that moisture can also play a role in how your vagina tastes. While we noted that dryness does not directly affect the taste, moisture can — hey, even the purest of water comes with it's own flavor. "Because levels of the hormone estrogen drop during breastfeeding, you may notice that your vagina doesn’t self-lubricate as well," OB-GYN Dr. Hilda Hutcherson told Share Care. It makes sense that a lack of your natural vaginal fluids can actually result in a lack of taste, too. As a dear friend (who wishes to remain anonymous) explained it, "if nothing is coming out of your lady factory, then there's not much to taste." Again, as long as it's not bothering you or causing you any pain, a slight variation in the way your private area tastes really shouldn't be that big of a deal between consenting adults.

Once you stop breastfeeding, your hormone levels should go back to whatever is normal for you. So, logically, it seems like your vaginal taste will likely follow suit. Basically, just consider this a limited edition flavor and ignore the haters.

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