
Turns Out, Teething Can Cause A Fever

by Kelly Mullen-McWilliams

My baby began teething crazy early — and I mean Ripley's Believe It Or Not early. By month three, she already had two full blown, super sharp incisors. Our pediatrician was excited, but I was a wreck. Watching my baby gnaw away at a wet piece of fabric, I swear I felt the insatiable pain in my own gums. Teething is stressful for all involved, but does teething cause a fever? According to Parents, a mild fever is a possibility. Here's what you need to know.

"Studies have shown that teething can cause elevation in temperature above normal, but generally not fevers over 101.0 degrees Fahrenheit," writes Elizabeth R. Marks, MD, in an email interview with Romper. "Parents can give fever reducers, which may also help with the pain of teething."

According to Parenting, your baby is likely to be cranky, drooling, fussy, and uninterested in feeding during this lovely time of life, but you should also watch out for symptoms like diarrhea, rash, coughing, or sneezing. It's also noted that for small babies, 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit counts as a fever. WebMD also reported that teething symptoms are worse for front teeth, which make their vampiric appearance between 6 and 16 months. So if your baby already has their bottom incisors (like mine), don't worry. Keep your grape-flavored Tylenol stocked, because there's plenty of fun up ahead.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: why must parents suffer through baby teeth at all? Why can't they just show up in the womb? I'm sure there are a million medical reasons why this would be terrible, but still. Teething is no walk in the park, and when my daughter went through it for the first time, I might have called my best friend 30 to 100 times.

When it comes to pain relievers, always remember to dose carefully. Marks writes,

"If using Acetaminophen (Tylenol), be sure to follow the package insert for dosing and ensure that the child is not getting more than the daily recommended allowance for their age and weight. If the child is needing medication around the clock for more than one to two days, I would recommend calling the pediatrician."

Other good treatments for teething pain include allowing your child to chew on a chilled teething toy, and Ibuprofen if your child is over 6 months old, Marks writes. However, she doesn't recommend topical pain relievers applied to the gums. Though often marketed to parents, they haven't proved beneficial, and may contain harmful ingredients.

To all parents of teething babies: I wish you good luck, and sometime this week, at least one good night's sleep.