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Here's How Many Posts You Can Archive On Instagram

by Korey Lane

Listen, the world of technology and phone apps is both expansive and confusing. There are so many inventions, updates, and newly added features that it can feel impossible to keep track of what you can do on your own phone. But never fear, there are answers out there to just about any question you might have, and once you get the hang of things — say, Instagram's latest update for instance — it's pretty simple to take advantage of all the tools offered to you. The announcement that users will be able to hide their own posts on Instagram, for example, has already prompted a lot of new questions. How does it work? Do you have to update your whole phone to get it? And just how many posts can you save in Instagram archives? Turns out, it's all pretty simple.

The new feature just launched on Tuesday, so some of the finer points may be a little unclear still for those just getting used to it. But it seems as though there is no limit to the amount of photos you can archive. The update allows users to archive any post on their profile, so it essentially becomes private (meaning that, yes, you can hide all those embarrassing posts you put up on your page during Halloween last year and still look at them yourself later... when you're alone and no one else can see them, thank god).

Thankfully, if you decide to archive a photo and change your mind later, that doesn't mean you can't put it back on your profile. You can simply select "show on profile" for any archived image, and it will appear right back where you left it, with no one the wiser.

Per the company's statement, the new feature was designed to give users more control over their profile, and what they decide to show their followers. "Your profile is a representation of who you are and evolves with you over time," Instagram wrote in a post yesterday. "With Archive, you now have more flexibility to shape your profile while still preserving moments that matter."

Using the archive feature is pretty easy. Simply go to your profile, tap on an image you wish to archive, and select the three dots at the top right corner of the screen. Then, you'll see a list of options appear, and you'll select the top button that says, "Archive." After that, the post will no longer be shown on your profile, but will move to a special section of your profile, marked with a clock-like icon in the top right of your profile.

While it may seem like a frivolous feature at first glance, Instagram's latest update is targeted towards helping users filter their profiles at their discretion, without having to make any permanent changes. As Instagram said, "With this update, you now have a space just for you, where you can revisit moments without having to keep them all on your profile."

Pretty cool, right?