
Baby's Sheets Are Probably Dirtier Than You Think

by Meg Kehoe

Bringing home your baby from the hospital and trying to get into some sort of routine and sleep schedule can be daunting. The last thing you need to be stressing out about is whether or not you're tackling the minuscule details correctly. Creating a safe sleep environment is one of the top priorities when you're getting into the new parent groove, but what about all the other things? Like how often should you wash your baby's sheets? Though it might seem like a pretty straightforward concept, when you're sleep-deprived and attempting to remember the basic guidelines of, well, anything, it'll be the little things like knowing how often to toss those crib sheets in the washing machine that'll bring you a sense of calm.

According to Lauren Hill of Mama's Laundry Talk, you want to wash your baby's crib sheets about one to two times a week. Of course, if things are noticeably dirty, Hill recommended washing it immediately. And with babies, things tend to get dirty quickly. No matter how many pre-bedtime baths you incorporate into your baby's routine, there's always a chance they'll go rogue on you and your intended cleanliness. From bottles to blowouts, there's no telling when you'll need to take your baby's crib sheets through the washer for an extra spin.

Beyond cleaning the sheets when they're dirty, according to Overstock, washing your baby's sheets regularly is actually healthier for your baby. Washing your baby's crib sheets frequently can help prevent things like skin irritation and even certain illnesses that can be attributed to dirty bedding. According to Hill, this includes your baby's mattress pad. So make sure you're giving the whole crib a good cleaning, and not just the fitted sheets. While you're at it, you'll want to keep an eye on the rest of your baby's blankets as well. From swaddling cloths to throw blankets, any blankets that often come in contact with your bundle of joy should be washed one to two times a week, and sooner if needed, just to be safe.

Moms in the What to Expect forum recommend having several sets of crib sheets on hand, otherwise you may feel like you're constantly washing your baby's crib sheets. And when you're already navigating the uncharted waters of balancing your sanity while feeling slightly sleep deprived, two extra loads of laundry a week can really add up in the grand scheme of things. So stock up on a few sets of crib sheets for your baby's nursery, and keep things clean to keep your baby healthy.