
How To Soothe A Colicky Baby

by Autumn Jones

Babies cry — that's just part of their deal. But if you baby's fussiness isn't remedied in a reasonable amount of time, it could be a sign that your little one has colic. Although this is a common condition in babies, many new parents aren't sure how to soothe a colicky baby. But with a little patience and a few tricks up your sleeve, you can start to tackle colic like a pro and help your sweet angel dry up all those tears. (And let's face it, if your baby has been colicky, you probably have some tears of your own that need drying too.)

According to the website for Kids Health, up to 40 percent of all infants have colic. This means if you're little one won't stop crying, you're not alone. The typical time frame for a baby to develop colic is between three and six weeks after they are born. But how long it lasts depends on your child. On average, colic makes an exit around your baby's three or four month birthday. If you do the math, you can see how this condition may be around longer than you like, so use these 11 ideas for soothing your colicky baby to help you make game plan for dealing with all those tears.


Try The "Colic Carry"

Since colic is caused by discomfort in your baby's belly, try holding her in a position that will ease the pain. Try Parenting magazine's recommended colic carry, "in which you, "position your baby so that his stomach rests on your forearm and his head is supported in the palm of your hand or the crook of your arm."


Use Probiotics

Nourish that tiny tummy with some good bacteria. Some types of probiotics have improved colic symptoms for babies, according to Baby Center. Just make sure to ask your doctor for a recommendation appropriate for your little one.


Create A Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Want to soothe that colicky baby? Try a relaxing routine before bed. As Dr. Jean Twomey told Parenting magazine, "lots of colicky babies benefit from soothing bedtime routines." Try playing lullabies, pulling the blinds closed, and a warm bath to ease baby down to sleep.


Give Baby A Massage

Some times a gentle touch can do the trick. When it comes to colicky babies, try giving your baby a soft massage to comfort and relax them, as the website for Very Well suggested.


Remain In The Upright Position

Keeping your baby upright during a feeding — whether bottle or breast — can help ease colic, according to Mayo Clinic. It's also a good idea to burp your baby more frequently and take breaks when feeding, if your little one is colicky.


Try Some Tummy Rolls

Grab that yoga ball and take baby for a spin. According to the website for Dr. Sears, rolling a baby in a circular motion, stomach down, on a large ball can help relieve her colic pains.


Wrap Them In A Warm Blanket

Worn down by the sound of your little one's crying? Try tossing a blanket in the dryer for a few minutes and wrapping your baby up with a toasty swaddle, as the website for What To Expect suggested.


Get Into The Swing

The soothing effects of repetitive motion may be the magic touch for your baby. As Kid's Health pointed out, using a swing or vibrating seat may be soothing to your colicky baby.


Ride The Invisible Bike

Take your baby pretend cycling to make calm his fussiness. According to Parents magazine, moving your baby's legs in a pedaling motion while he is on his back can help to relieve gas, which can be a cause of colic. Do this while he is lying on his back on a safe surface.


Offer A Pacifier

Use a baby's self-soothing sucking reflex to help calm her cries. As the website for Baby Center recommended, giving your baby a pacifier helps colicky behavior for some babies. Even if you're baby hasn't used one up until that point, a pacifier could be just what she needs to help her relax.


Snuggle Up

Keep your baby close to bring him comfort. As Mayo Clinic pointed out, holding your baby close to you can help ease colic. Hold him in your arms, or use a sling or baby carrier to indulge in all those baby snuggles.