
Rick Rowell/ABC

Is Corinne Really As Well Off As She Claims?

by Caralynn Lippo

Corinne Olympios has been the most-talked about contestant since the moment she made her debut on the first episode of Nick Viall's season of The Bachelor. Between the fact that she has a nanny, has a habit of napping at awkward times, and is unapologetically sexual with Nick, Corinne has proven herself to be one of those contestants you either love or hate. The self-described business owner has also been loud and proud about the fact that she runs a "multi-million dollar company" — but does that really mean that The Bachelor's Corinne is a multi-millionaire?

While we'll never know Corinne's exact net worth (she's not running for president, so it's not exactly like she's expected to release her tax returns or anything), we can infer a bit about her wealth based on what we know about her. For one thing, the "multi-million dollar company" in question appears to be ArmorGarage, a business that is apparently owned by one "James Olympios" in the Miami area and that supplies "high performance premium grade epoxy coatings and floor products" to "the US Military, multiple Fortune 500 companies, and the US Coast Guard," among others.

TMZ reported that Corinne's claims of working at the company are legit, noting that a source told them she mainly works in sales for the business. The "business owner" aspect probably comes from the fact that, as she explained in her intro segment, her father founded and currently owns the company, but as the oldest daughter it may likely pass down to Corinne. Again, this is all conjecture, but it seems to be what Corinne has basically been implying.

Of course, there are other hints that Corinne comes from an ~extremely~ wealthy background. For one thing, it's not exactly cheap to live in Miami, and the family home we caught a quick peek at in the season premiere looked pretty big and glamorous. Corinne also explained that she lives with her family, so it's doubtful that she's paying for her own living costs. Between whatever Corinne makes working at her family company and the modeling and acting she does on the side, she's probably worth quite a bit of money. One site lists her personal net worth at $250,000, but this number is unverifiable — The Net Worth lists a disclaimer that they "don't guarantee accuracy and recency of presented data."

There's also the matter of Nanny Raquel, easily the most famous figure introduced this season (despite the fact that she's had a whopping 45 seconds of actual screen time). While we don't know exactly what salary the Olympios family pays for Raquel's services or whether she's a live-in or live-out nanny, it's almost guaranteed to be quite a pretty penny. Clearly, despite Corinne's recent on-screen claim that she's "not privileged in any way," she comes from a background that's at least moderately wealthy.