
Is It Safe To Do Girl On Top 6 Weeks After An Episiotomy?

by Tessa Shull

Many women cringe at the word episiotomy, and the thought of having to get one is something pregnant women everywhere would like to keep out of their minds. Luckily, they're not as common anymore and primarily done only when absolutely necessary. That doesn't mean, however, that no pregnant woman will ever have a episiotomy. And afterwards, she may end up wondering about the safety certain sex positions. For example, "is it safe to do girl on top six weeks after an episiotomy?" may be a question among women who have undergone the procedure. And it's one you should ask — it's always a good idea to make sure you're using sex positions that can help you ease back into intimacy and avoid any additional pain or potential complications with your perineum.

Luckily, according to Women's Health, advantage to girl on top (also referred to as "cowgirl" or "woman on top") is that it allows you to have full control over depth of penetration, speed, and angle. This is a major advantage when trying to keep discomfort at bay, especially considering you've had a surgical cut between your vagina and anus that is very likely to cause discomfort.

Additionally, according to Mayo Clinic, many women who've had an episiotomy may experience pain during sex, even months after delivery. This pain can sometimes be defined as a pinching feeling on the scar during sex, and in order to you ease back into your sex life, girl on top is a position that can be considered safer than many others if you're wanting to pursue sex six weeks postpartum. Because the position helps alleviate and control pressure, the worry of discomfort or potential complications during sex are not as prominent for you.

In the end, however, it's most important to note that every woman's body reacts differently to birth, episiotomies, and whatever else postpartum life throws at you. Keeping in mind that you should be cautious about sex six weeks postpartum, utilizing positions like missionary and girl on top can help sex seem less daunting and more controllable for you.