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Jamie Otis Opens Up About Seeing Expecting Moms After Suffering A Miscarriage

by Sophie Hirsh

Earlier this month, Married at First Sight's Jamie Otis suffered a miscarriage. Since then, she has candidly shared her heartbreak in several Instagram posts. But in the newest episode of her and her husband's podcast, Otis opened up about seeing her pregnant friends after suffering a miscarriage.

Otis and her husband, Doug Hehner, got married in 2014 on realty show Married at First Sight, and they became famous while chronicling their marriage on TV. The couple has a daughter together, Henley Grace, and this loss is unfortunately not the first Otis has suffered.

As People reported, Otis and Hehner talk about her miscarriage in the upcoming episode of their podcast Hot Marriage. Cool Parents., which will be out Wednesday. "One of the most hurtful parts is that I know a lot of people who are pregnant," Otis said in the episode, as per People. "My due date was Aug. 8 and I know someone due Aug. 9, I know someone who’s due Aug. 21 … I know so many women who are due [around when I was] and we were all pregnant together, so excited ... The hardest part is to just watch them continue to have this healthy pregnancy."

If you're wondering why Otis knows so many other expectant mothers, it's because she actually works as a labor and delivery nurse, as per Inquisitr. So not only does she interact with friends who may be expecting, but she is literally seeing pregnant women and helping them deliver babies on a daily basis.

On the podcast, Otis explained that even though watching her friends enjoy their pregnancies is difficult, she is trying her best to be supportive. "These are people who I’m very close with and I’m gonna watch them have this healthy, happy pregnancy that I was supposed to have too. And I’m trying not to be anything other than just happy for them," Otis added, as per People.

Experiencing a miscarriage can be absolutely devastating, and having to witness so many friends and patients go through similar pregnancy timelines is understandably making things even harder for Otis. That said, she is hoping that speaking out about her miscarriages will help others who are also recovering from miscarriages. Alongside an Instagram photo of herself and Hehner last week, she wrote:

To all you mamas out there who have ever suffered a loss or are going through a loss right alongside me... please know you aren’t alone. We will get through this together. One in four never seems real until it happens to you. I’m here for you, my fellow angel baby mamas. No one should have to go through this alone.

Since experiencing a loss in the second trimester of her pregnancy in December 2016, Otis and Hehner have consistently found ways to honor their baby boy, who they named Johnathan. She often posts tributes to him on Instagram, and on the 2-year anniversary of her due date this past December, she shared a powerful dedication to him, as well as a message for mothers experiencing miscarriages. "Even though you’re going through some of the darkest days of your life, please know the storm doesn’t come without leaving a rainbow at the end," she wrote. "I truly believe that my angel up in heaven is watching over us everyday and we will meet again one day. Until then, I will spend my life honoring his short one."

I have no doubt that Otis will find meaningful ways to keep celebrating the memory of the baby she lost this month as well. By talking about her miscarriages so publicly, she is fighting the stigma that women who have suffered miscarriages need to stay silent about them.