
Peggy Sirota/TLC

The Busby Quints Show Off Their Smarts On 'OutDaughtered'

by Megan Walsh

Every Tuesday night on TLC, fans of OutDaughtered get to see how much has changed for the Busby family in just a few short years. Quintuplets Olivia, Ava, Hazel, Parker, and Riley were born in the show's first episode, but now they're toddling off to school and acing exams. The Busby quints are growing up on OutDaughtered, and nothing proves that more than this exclusive clip of them passing a preschool test with flying colors.

When the clip opens, preschool owner Randi and teacher Katelyn are preparing to quiz the girls one by one on their letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. It's the quints' very first test and Hazel is the first one into the classroom. "Hazel is ready to show you how brilliant she is," Randi proclaims, helping Hazel to her seat. Katelyn holds up flashcards with letters on them, which Hazel easily identifies. Her sisters follow. The clip cuts together each of the girls' solo oral exam, so viewers can see them all zip through the alphabet with ease. They're a little hesitant and they may not be able to pronounce B's and P's in way that sounds significantly different, but they've got those letters down pat. Except for one of the quints, who peers at a picture of an S and confidently deems it a seven. Close enough.

Another of the girls seems to have performance anxiety, and faces her alphabet flashcard without an answer. But as Katelyn moves into numbers, it gets easier and quicker. Perhaps the quints are already showing a preference for math; maybe there are just less numbers to remember. Either way, they're doing great. When a producer asks how they think they're doing, one of the girls answers, "I'm really smart," as she grins and crosses her arms. Get that educational confidence, tiny person.

Next up is shapes. Hazel is stumped by a circle, but her sister gets the answer right away. Hazel makes up for it a moment later by recognizing a square, though she also wants to know why there are so many questions. Something I, too, found myself asking during school tests. The girls are a little nervous throughout, but they manage to make it through their very first test without much of a hitch. A missed answer here or there is to be expected; overall, it looks like the quints did really well.


But the process may not have endeared them to school very much; at least, not all of them appear to be fans. The same offscreen producer checks in once again towards the end of the clip to ask two of the quints if they love school. While one shouts an enthusiastic "yes!" the other mildly shakes her head with a solemn, "No," that any of us who also didn't love school will feel in their very bones.

OutDaughtered is now in its fifth season and the quintuplets are four years old. They're still little more than toddlers, but they've come a long way since Season 1. Tune in next time, for when they'll probably be driving already.