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What Is The Rest Of The World Thinking On Election Night? It's Pretty Grim

by Meg Kehoe

It's not just Americans who are watching tonight's election results roll in with fascination, hope, and horror — the rest of the world is watching too. But what is the rest of the world thinking on election night? In short, it's not great. The 2016 election has more of the world watching than ever, and most of the world has something to say about what they've been seeing.

According to Time, if Europeans were voting, Clinton would win the election by a landslide. The London School of Economics and Political Science stated this was because of the continent's tendency to lean towards socially democratic parties. As far as individual European countries? Germany has had more than a few thoughts on the election over the last few days. The Hamburger Morgenpost all but begged Americans on its November 8 cover, which it tweeted out early this morning, “Please, not the Horror Clown!”

As if that weren't enough, a clever German named Johan Franklin tweeted out his thoughts on Trump, all but comparing the potential leader of the free world to Adolf Hitler, said The Huffington Post. Franklin told the BBC, "I got frightened when trying to talk to Trump supporters within my circle of friends and colleagues and I started to see parallels to what my grandparents and other folks back home told me about what happened in Germany back in the 1930s." And reading the graphic he created, the parallels are easily visible.

Need further proof that the rest of the world is watching? Take into account the fact that the BBC has an entire Twitter account dedicated solely to the U.S Election. You can tune into their account below to see how the election is panning out from the U.K.'s point of view.

As if these countries and their views on the election wasn't enough, CNBC reported this evening that stock markets are crashing as election results roll in. "I would say the market is a bit more cautious as it doesn't seem to be such a quick and decisive victory for Hillary as it seemed," said Ian Lyngen, head of U.S. rate strategy at BMO. "But it's not over yet."

With the race so close, it's only a matter of time until we find out what the world truly thinks of our nation, and our election process.