
Here Are 10 Meaningful Things To Write In A Father's Day Card For Your Stepdad

by Cat Bowen

Father's Day is in just a few days, guys. I know at my house we're planning a big beach day full of good food, long walks on the boardwalk, and the inevitable sharing of whatever pasta art my kids have made in school. For many of us, what we write in our Father's Day cards is pretty standard. However, it can be tricky if you're writing it for your stepfather. You can't always just pen in a "love, me." In fact, you may be struggling with what to write on a Father's Day card for your stepdad. But don't worry, I can help.

I know that having a stepdad can sometimes be amazing, and sometimes be a struggle. My own husband's stepfather and his large, extended family, played a huge role in the way my husband was raised. And even though his stepfather passed away more than 20 years ago, my husband remains close to his family. He was such a good stepfather that my nephew is named for him, and when it came time to name our own child, my husband lamented lovingly, "My sister already used the name I wanted to use."

Writing a card for your stepdad isn't necessarily the easiest task to accomplish, but it's meaningful and will really touch their hearts. So if you need some inspiration, here are some words to try.

For The Man You Grew Up With

Have your mom and stepdad been together a really long time? Try something like, "Thank you for accepting me as a child, nurturing me through my life, and being a friend to me now. I am so grateful you've been there for me all these years."

For The Man Who Raised You

Some stepdads are more than just a guy your mom remarried. Some of them are the only dad you've really known. For those relationships, something sweet and simple will do the trick. "You came into my life when I needed you most. You stepped up and became the man I needed you to be. You are the dad I choose, and I am so grateful for you every day. Thank you."

For The Funny Stepdad

Dads with a sense of humor are the best, so knock him in the funny bone. "Having your mom get married is weird, but thankfully, you're pretty tolerable. Kudos for that, dude."

For The Sentimental Stepdad

"I have been given the great gift of having not one, but two fathers in this life. One who gave me life, and you who made it better. Thank you for everything you are and everything you've done."

For The Nerdy Stepdad

"You're the Sirius Black to my Harry Potter, only with a much less desperate ending. Thank you for bringing magic into my world." Oh man. The tears.

For The Playful Stepdad

"How can I thank you enough for all the laughs, all the time spent playing ball and running around? There aren't enough words in the English language to express how much you've meant to me, and how grateful I am that you found us."

The Adventurous Stepdad

"You came into my life and showed me a whole new world. I am so lucky to have learned to love adventure and the thrill of the unknown from you."

For The Long Time Companion

"You chose me, and let me choose you. You let me be a child, with a child's mind, and make that choice, but you made it safe by choosing me over and over again. Thank you for making me a priority."

The Unexpected Bond

"When you came in my life, I wasn't sure what that meant. But over the years, it's become clear that my life was meant to have you in it. You've challenged me and changed me in ways I couldn't anticipate. You've made me a better person for our relationship. Thank you."

For A Strained Relationship

"We may not always agree, but I am thankful for the joy you bring my mother and I wish you all the happiness and contentment on this Father's Day."