
Ron Batzdorff/NBC

Will Kate Move To New York On 'This Is Us'? She Needs Her Family

by Megan Walsh

After making a momentous decision at the end of "Pilgrim Rick," Kate has been doubting herself on This Is Us. She had decided to focus on her weight loss to the exclusion of everything else, breaking up with Toby after he chose to stop dieting and then deciding to have gastric bypass surgery to speed along the weight loss process. Kate wanted to have the life she dreamt of now instead of later, but over the course of "The Trip," she realized that there was no path that would make things easier. Losing weight wouldn't necessarily change everything overnight. The comfort of her family was the only thing that seemed to help her, which may have some fans wondering: will Kate move to New York on This Is Us?

Back in the earliest episodes of the series, Kate was ready to move to New York to support Kevin like she'd been doing her entire life. However, at that point she needed to stay where she was so that she could regain her independence and learn to live her life without Kevin. She did that, but after cutting Toby loose she was left adrift once again. When Kevin suggested she come to New York so that she could have familial support during her weight loss journey, it seemed like the kind of situation that could benefit all of the Pearson siblings. But Kate didn't come to an official decision by the end of the episode, so it's hard to say where she'll go from here.

Kate was the only member of the Pearson family left behind on the West Coast, which made her storyline feel distant from the rest of her family. One of the highlights of This Is Us is watching the family interact with each other whether they're working out old grudges or leaning on each other during tough times. Kate is definitely mired in a pretty tough time right now as she faces her own issues with her body head-on in an attempt to find happiness.

Kate confided to Kevin that she couldn't handle everything going on in her life alone and she couldn't do it without her brothers, who need her just as much as she needs them. Kate keeps Kevin grounded. She did her best to remind Randall of good times the family had when his trust was broken by Rebecca's secret-keeping. And in addition to the support the siblings could offer each other, there are family issues that need to be worked out. Kate and Rebecca have a complicated relationship that is distant both physically and emotionally; if Kate moved to New York, maybe she could confront her mother about the underlying problems in their relationship. Then they could finally move forward.

The family at the heart of This Is Us is stronger together than they are apart, which is one major reason why Kate moving to New York could be the right choice. It would be a big change for her, but being back with her family could be just the thing she needs.