Rainbow Baby

24 Super Sweet Rainbow Baby Announcement Ideas
Your extra special baby deserves an extra special photo.
Any baby announcement is a thrilling moment. It's typically the first public celebration of this growing little human in your belly, and it's a joyous feeling to share your life-changing news with the world via social media. However, for families who have experienced loss, this rainbow baby announcement or rainbow pregnancy announcement is truly sacred, not to mention emotional. If you're preparing to announce your rainbow baby, draw some inspiration from these sweet rainbow baby announcement ideas.
A rainbow baby is a baby who is born after the loss of a baby, either by miscarriage, stillbirth, or death in infancy. While all pregnancies are unique, many rainbow baby parents would say that — unless you've experienced baby loss — you cannot truly understand the gratitude that comes from having a rainbow baby.
Having a rainbow baby doesn't mean your loss is forgotten, or your wounds from experiencing trauma are miraculously healed. Having a rainbow baby is woven into the fabric of the deep love you feel for all of your children, whether they're in your arms or in your heart, offering renewed hope after your storm. The following rainbow baby announcement ideas are creative and meaningful ways to share your joy and gratitude with the world.
2Catch a rainbow on your babymoon
Heading to a rainbow-prone destination for your babymoon? Try to capture a rainbow and use that gorgeous photo for your rainbow baby announcement. This is a particularly good option for those of us who are photo shy, but still want to share our rainbow baby joy.
3DIY rainbow baby backdrop
Create your own backdrop using a light blue sheet or blanket, clouds shaped from any white fabric you have lying around, and a rainbow striped scarf. Lay your little one down and snap a shot from overhead. The photo will be colorful, beautiful, and is an adorable way to announce that your baby isn’t just any baby — he or she is extra special because they’re a rainbow baby. This idea is probably best suited to a rainbow baby announcement rather than a rainbow pregnancy announcement.
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4Rainbow baby onesie
Sharing a photo of a onesie is an oldie but a goodie when it comes to baby announcements on social media, and for a rainbow baby or rainbow pregnancy announcement, this is a simple, sweet way to go.
5Rainbow umbrella
Using a colorful umbrella in your announcement is a beautiful way to depict the “rainbow after the storm” metaphor that is synonymous with having a rainbow baby. A few ways to do this: Lay the umbrella on the ground after a storm to make the colors really pop, hold the umbrella in front of you and your partner as if you’re kissing behind it, or have your older child(ren) stand under it while smiling.
6Rainbow nursery sneak peek
If you’re incorporating rainbows into your rainbow baby’s nursery, snap a picture of one of the details and share it as your announcement. Your nursery doesn’t have to be complete for this to work, it can be a single shot of a mobile, blanket, or even a stack of colorful diapers or onesies sitting on a dresser.
7Rainbow baby artwork
If you’d like to commemorate the baby you lost and your rainbow baby in one beautiful piece of art, this rainbow ultrasound image is just the thing. Snap a photo of it hanging in your rainbow baby’s nursery and make your rainbow baby announcement that way.
8Sibling-centric rainbow photo
If you have an older child who has been with you on your baby loss journey, you may want to ask them how they want to help share your rainbow baby announcement. Sidewalk chalk is a great, easy way to get them involved. Just ask them to draw a rainbow in celebration of your family’s rainbow baby.
9Rainbow balloons
There are so many ways you can use multi-colored balloons to help you out, whether you’re doing a rainbow baby announcement or a rainbow pregnancy announcement. Simply hold them yourself, tie them to a rocking chair, have their sibling(s) hold them, or make a little arch out of them.
10Painted rainbow
Jessica Giffin celebrated her rainbow pregnancy with a little help from adorable son, Miles. With a paintbrush in hand (and the sweetest little painter overalls), Miles paints his newest sibling across the sky. If you want to involve your little one and have a few Photoshop skills in your back pocket, this is a perfect announcement idea to consider.
11Calendar countdown
You’ll adore this sweet rainbow baby announcement from mama Jessica Dell, using a ring of rainbow-colored flowers and an ultrasound picture, with the exact due date circled. Luckily, you don't need to be a florist or talented photographer to recreate this one. Just grab an adorable calendar and you’re all set.
12Here comes the sun
Rainbow mom Hannah got a little help from the Beatles to announce her family's upcoming arrival. To recreate this announcement idea, just grab some chalk and your latest ultrasound photos. Add these perfectly-fitting lyrics and your estimated due date, and voila! You could create this on a chalkboard or grab some sidewalk chalk and take your project outside.
13Rainbow sprinkles
Rainbow sprinkles are a fantastic prop for a rainbow baby announcement. Lay your ultrasound photo on a flat surface and scatter the sprinkles around it, or use them to create a multi-colored heart around the photo. If you’re not into the idea of a big mess, add a few to some cookies or pick up some sprinkled donuts to use as props in the announcement.
14Painted rainbow belly
If you’re making a rainbow pregnancy annoucment and have a bit of a bump going, this sweet rainbow baby announcement is perfect for you. Simply. paint a rainbow on your belly and smile for the camera.
15Birth dates announcement
This rainbow baby announcement from mom Lisa Henry will give you goosebumps. Using two carved trinkets, Henry celebrates both her marriage, as well as her beloved angel daughter Eden and new baby, with a rainbow, and every family member's birthday written in chalk alongside the statues. Every member of the family is honored in this heartfelt and tender rainbow baby announcement.
16A literally sweet rainbow baby announcement
After losing one of her identical twin boys — baby Izaac Joseph — Grayce found joy again through baking, which is how her business, Icing for Izaac, was created. That's why it made perfect sense to Grayce to announce her rainbow baby pregnancy through Icing for Izaac, in the form of multi-colored cupcakes. Recreate this sweet rainbow baby announcement by using a variety of rainbow-colored icings on cupcakes arranged around your ultrasound photo.
17Rainbow baby toys
The best thing about using colorful baby toys and blocks for a rainbow baby announcement is that you can gift them to your rainbow baby after their arrival. There are all kinds of toy options to choose from, too, like a rainbow block tower similar to the one in this photo, a Montessori-style stacked rainbow, or even just a few toys in different hues.
18Little shoes
We’ve all seen the cute announcements that include baby shoes, and you can do the same with a rainbow twist. In this photo, they were able to capture a little light rainbow bouncing off a pair of baby shoes.
19Smoke show
Parents-to-be often use smoke bombs for gender reveals, but you can certainly use them as a rainbow baby announcement, too. Get a variety of colors and line them up, light them, and then have someone take a picture of you standing in front of the beautiful smoke show.
21Floral rainbow
What better way to celebrate your blossoming baby than with flowers? If you don't have a green thumb or access to fresh florals, pick up some fake blooms in a rainbow of colors at a craft store. After your rainbow pregnancy announcement has been made, you can reuse the flowers as nursery decor.
22Rainbow cereal
Grab a box of Froot Loops, Trix, or Lucky Charms and use the pieces to add some rainbow color to your announcement. Sprinkle the cereal around your ultrasound photo, put some in a clear bowl and set it next to your letterboard, or create an actual rainbow out of the pieces.
23Rainbow cupcakes & clothing
However you choose to share your big news, any of these rainbow baby announcement ideas are sure to bring heaps of joyful well-wishes your way.
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