Baby Names

40 Baby Boy Names That Start With “H”
From Henry to Huckleberry, these are keepers.
One of the best parts of being pregnant is picking a baby name. Or the most stressful, depending on the situation. Who knew how tough it would be to agree on a name? If you’re trying to choose a name with a partner, it can be a real chore. Plus, names that you love may not resonate with them and vice versa. When you start to make your baby names “maybe” list, it can be tricky to know where to start, and those massive baby name books are daunting. Sometimes, it’s helpful to start with a letter you love and go from there. If you’re on the hunt for boy names that start with “H”, this extensive list has got you covered.
From classics like Harry and Henry — though, be warned, that name is incredibly popular right now — to more unusual picks like Hawk or Hammond, there’s no shortage of adorable boy names that start with “H”. Oddly enough, a lot of the definitions for these names have to do with home ownership in addition to names that have to do with leadership, warriors, and even one that’s a perfect fit for a child with a green thumb. Read on to find some terrific “H” boy names that’ll definitely earn a spot on your own baby names list.
The English origin of Hayden means “fire,” and it’s also the name of the Canadian singer-songwriter Hayden Desser. Name your kid Hayden and they may just be a fire singer-songwriter.
Hudson is actually a common nickname for Hugh, which means “mind,” “heart,” or “spirit.”
Classic. Traditional. Extremely popular right now. Henry means “house ruler.”
Whether you’re a fan of the infamous Boy Who Lived, or you like a traditional name that’s making a comeback, Harry is for you.
Fans of the Greek poet or parents who want their child to have a name that means “security,” or “pledge,” will love this boy name that starts with “H”.
Harvey is a powerful boy name that starts with “H”, as it means “battle worthy,” “blazing iron,” and a name that inspires endurance and resilience. That’s one tough cookie.
Obviously, this boy name that starts with “H” means “one who hunts”, but it also means “a great pursuer”. We love that this name evokes feelings of the great outdoors.
This boy name that starts with “H” means “to hold,” and is the name of a Trojan prince who was a fierce warrior.
Fans of the rock and roll legend and guitarist will love this boy name that starts with H that honors the one and only Jimi.
While this boy name that starts with H means “son of Henry” it stands on its own and a nice riff on the ever-popular Henry. It means “home ruler.”
While this boy name that starts with “H” means “one who plays the harp,” it also has a beautiful whimsical ring to it — kind of like the instrument itself.
Hollister means “dweller by the holly tree” and is also an English family name from the Gloucestershire region of England.
Harold is the diminutive form of Henry, Harrison, or Harvey, so if one of those boy names that start with “H” doesn’t do it for you, maybe Harold will. I bet his favorite crayon will be a purple one.
Harrison is another boy name that starts with “H” that means “son of Henry.” But if you’re a fan of the famous actor, this name could be a deliberate homage to Harrison Ford.
Hugo means “mind” and is a name that’s been gaining popularity lately — at least in the circle of people I know. There are two in my son’s class, which seems to mean classic baby names are on the rise.
Hans is a simple and lovely name meaning “God is gracious.” It has German origins, and might be a great fit if your family has German heritage.
Humphrey comes from the Old English name Hunfrith, and it is a combination of the words “giant” and “peace”. Want your child to be a peaceful giant? Or a bringer of giant peace? This name is for you.
Whether you’re a fan of the critically-acclaimed musical of the same name, or you like a traditional boy name that starts with “H”, Hamilton is a great pick.
Is your family a fan of the great outdoors? Perhaps you love animals and everything nature. Then this strong and simply boy name that starts with “H” is for you.
Ironically, the name Harding means “tough guy,” but it can also mean a hard working or arduous person. Either way, you’ll probably have a pretty hardworking tough guy on your hands.
The name Hampton means “home settlement” or “from the village by the town.” It’s an ancient Anglo-Saxon name, a simple and lovely choice for those who want something strong and classic.
The name Hendrick means “home ruler” and it really just rolls off the tongue and sounds cool doesn’t it?
Howie has a few pretty cool meanings, including, “heart brave,” “noble watchman,” and “high guardian.”
The name Hutton means “settlement on the bluff” and this boy name that starts with H is pretty unique these days — in 2021 there were only 52 babies named Hutton.
This boy name that starts with “H” means “a youth,” so if you’re looking to name your child something that could potentially make them be forever young, then Hogan is the way to go.
Hardwick means “herd or flock,” and it’s certainly unique. The highest recorded use of this name was back in 1920 when a whopping total of six babies had this name.
The name Hanford means “from the high ford” and is also a name that has a family crest and coats of arms. As a first name, there are .15 people named Hanford for every 100,000 Americans. So he will definitely be the only one in his class.
The name Hilton means “hill settlement,” but it is certainly unique. There are only 3,293 people named Hilton who live in America.
The name Hansen literally means son of Hans. If your partner’s name is Hans, then this would be the perfect boy name. However, it also means son of a nobleman, which could also be fitting.
The name Hank means the ruler of the home, and it’s also a nickname for Henry or Harry. It’s also the name of legendary country artist Hank Williams, so this boy name that starts with “H” is a win-win-win.
Hawthornes are cute little shrubs, and if you name your child after these awesome plants, they’ll definitely be the only kid in your state with the name.
Hodge is nickname for Roger, and it also means “famous spear” or “rustic.”
Herb means, “illustrious warrior,” or “army bright.” Or if you’re into plants or are an herbalist, you may like this boy name that starts with “H” for your child.
Hugh means “soul,” “mind” and “intellect,” so it’s no wonder there are so many famous Hughs out there. Perhaps if you name your child Hugh then he will have great character and be intelligent — and an actor.
Herschel is a yiddish name that means “deer,” and it’s not super common. It was the 4,245 most popular boy name in the United States back in 2018.
Huckleberry means “sweet berry” and perfect for your sweet berry you’re going to meet soon. Plus they can even go by Huck, which is a really awesome nickname.
From the famous Shakespearean play, this boy name that starts with “H” would be a nice tribute to the famous writer and poet, and your son would definitely be the only kid on his block to have this name.
The name Hammond means “mountain home,” or “home protector.”
Holliday means “holy day” and it is a gender-neutral name.
Hayes is a “hedged area,” and is a unique boy name that starts with “H”. It’s gender-neutral, so if you’re trying to find a name that’ll work regardless of the gender of your baby, Hayes might be fore you.
No matter what boy name that starts with “H” you choose, you’ll know they’ll probably be pretty unique, just like they are.