Baby Names

30 Spring Boy Names That Radiate Joy
Invoke the feeling of new beginnings with these.
Trying to think of the perfect name for your little one can feel overwhelming, but focusing on some details about them can help narrow things down. Considering the time of year they were born can inspire some great name ideas. If your baby boy is expected to be born in the spring, you might want to look through some spring-inspired boy names that will capture the spirit of the season. Spring is often synonymous with optimism and positivity, so this is also a nice meaning to give to your son’s name.
Some other words and phrases that come to mind when you think of the spring probably include “new beginnings,” “sunshine,” “hope,” and “happiness.” You might also think about nature: colorful new flowers, blooming trees, and maybe some of those rainy spring days that are bound to happen. Nature-inspired names are a great way to tap into the spring spirit, as are names that describe the happiness we all feel at leaving winter behind. Below is a selection of spring boy names to brows through (and here are some options for spring girl names if you’re in the market for those too).
Spring boy names
While there aren’t many names out there that actually mean “spring,” you can always find names that mean things that are associated with the season. Think happy, positive meanings, or anything inspired by nature.
- Adam: The name Adam means “son of the red earth.” It comes from the word “adamah,” which means “earth.”
- Arki: A unique option, Arki is a Sanskrit name. It means “sun.”
- Asher: A Hebrew name, Asher means “happy” and “blessed.” These feel like the right words to describe how we all feel in spring.
- Aviv: This name has Hebrew origins. It literally translates to “spring.”
- Bert: Yes, this name might remind you of Sesame Street, but get past that. It has English origins and means “bright.”
- Callahan: A derivative of a Gaelic surname, Callahan is of Irish origin. It means “bright-headed.”
- Callum: This name is of Scottish and Irish origin. It means “dove,” which sounds delicate and spring-like.
- Crisanto: This Greek name refers to a golden flower. It’s a regal sounding option and feels so unique.
- Denver: A cool and trendy option, Denver is of French and English origins. It means “green valley.”
- Florian: This Latin name is definitely a very different option, but it’s great for a baby boy born in spring. It means “flowering.”
- Forest: Obviously, the name Forest means “forest” or “woods.” It’s cool, simple, and perfect for a spring baby.
- Grove: This gender-neutral option has a nature-inspired feel to it. It comes from the Old English word that means “thicket.”
- Javier: This name has Spanish origins and means “bright” and “shining,” two words that are a perfect way to describe spring weather.
- Lucius: Don’t be fooled by the Harry Potter reference. This Latin name means “light.”
- Navin: Navin can also be “Naveen.” It’s a popular Hindi name and means “new,” “fresh,” “young,” and “bright.”
- Neo: A Latin name, Neo literally means “new.” And since spring means basically the same thing, it just works.
- Niall: This name has Irish origins and can have a few different meanings. One of them is “cloud.”
- Oakley: This is a gender-neutral name that has English origins. It means meadow of oak trees, which has such a nice nature vibe.
- Orson: This name has Irish and Latin origins. It means “bear cub,” which start to come out in the springtime.
- Owen: Of Irish and Welsh origin, Owen has a distinctively spring-like meaning. It means “noble” and “youthful,” and can also mean “lamb of spring.”
- Pascal: Name your son after some of spring’s biggest holidays. Pascal comes from the Latin word “paschalis,” which means “relating to Easter.” It also comes from an Aramaic word that means “Passover.”
- Rain: You can go with something really obvious, like Rain. This clearly refers to the weather, and since spring is considered rainy season to many, it works.
- River: Another nature-inspired name, River obviously refers to a river of water. It’s also a good gender-neutral pick.
- Rhodes: Unique and so lovely, Rhodes has Greek origins. It means “where roses grow.”
- Robin: A great pick for a gender-neutral option, Robin is a classic name. It means “famed,” “bright,” and “shining,” and just brings to mind baby blue robins.
- Samson: With Hebrew origins, Samson means “like the sun.” It’s ideal for the sunnier weather of spring.
- Storm: This nature inspired name brings to mind rainy, windy days. While spring may be beautiful, it has plenty of rain too.
- Walken: This is a unique option with a modern ring to it. It also means “rainbow,” which feels hopeful and positive.
- Wells: This is another unique name and it actually does mean “spring.” Well, not like the season—it’s referring to a spring of water.
- Xavier: Opt for something interesting like Xavier, which has Arabic origins. It means “new house” and “bright.”
Whatever name you choose for your little one, you can be sure that any on this list will be a constant reminder of the season they were born in. Now your only obstacle is settling on just one spring name for your sweet boy.
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