Nefertiti Austin

Author and memoirist Nefertiti Austin writes about the erasure of diverse voices in motherhood in the #1 Amazon bestseller Motherhood So White: A Memoir of Race, Gender and Parenting in America. Nefertiti's work around this topic has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, The Nation, Romper, Adoptive Families magazine, Parents Magazine, SheMedia and countless others. She has appeared on numerous podcasts and radio programs including The Today Show, and multiple NPR outlets. Lately, she’s writing about raising her neurologically diverse daughter and jokes that adolescence is no match for menopause.

Nefertiti considers herself an accidental journalist, as her goal was to write novels and adopt a baby. Instead her training, expertise and mommy-jones coupled with degrees in U.S. History and African-American Studies from UCLA, led her to elevate Black women, mothers specifically, in her work. She is a former Certified PS-MAPP Trainer, where she co-led classes for participants wanting to attain a license to foster and/or adopt children from foster care system. An alumna of Breadloaf Writers’ Conference and VONA, her first two novels, Eternity and Abandon, helped usher in the Black Romance genre in the mid-1990s.

Nefertiti is most likely to respond to Instagram and her writing lives at She is the proud adoptive mother of two children and two Shipoos: Monsieur Lafayette and Siddhartha. The fivesome live in Los Angeles, California.

Nefertiti Austin

Black Excellence

by Nefertiti Austin

The Pressure To Be “Twice As Good” Is No Longer Serving Black Children

I had to put my child — and his humanity — first.

Mothers & Daughters

by Nefertiti Austin

The Joy & Intimacy Of Black Hair

These sacred hours are filled with a joy and ease rarely attributed to Black women.