
9 Things To Know About Your Orgasms Other Than How To Have One

Orgasms. If we're not talking about them, thinking about them, or reading about them, then we're trying to have them. With 75 percent of women not reaching orgasm through intercourse, it seems like how to have one is a big thing you should know, but there are more things to know about orgasms. Specifically, your own orgasms.

I know. What could you possibly need to know other than how to have one or that they feel incredible, right? But orgasms are more than just a flash in the pan sensation we yearn to have. Orgasms have a total science behind them and can affect more than just your nether regions. There have been plenty of studies done on orgasms, for both men and women, but the female orgasm is still the one everyone loves to talk about.

Whether it's trying to figure out the best sex position to have one or figuring out the secret to having the ultimate orgasm, you've given it some thought. But have you ever wondered what's happening to your brain while you're having one? Did you ever consider that your need to cuddle after a mind-blowing romp is because of hormones released during your orgasm? Or that aches and pains seem to go away in the throes of climax? There are nine things you need to know about your orgasms and they cover all of those questions and more. Get educated on more than just how to have one, and thank your body for all of its hard work.


Certain Areas Of Your Brain Are Deactivated While Having An Orgasm

If you've noticed that while you're having an orgasm, you're not really preoccupied with anything else, it's not a fluke. A study done by Dr. Gert Holstege found that the parts of your brain that register fear and anxiety are deactivated while you're cumming. Definitely proves why orgasms can be such great stress-relievers and help you relax.


Your Orgasm Reverses The Blood Flow From Arousal

An orgasm is literally a physical reflex, but it's doing more than just making you feel good. All of that increased blood flow to your clitoris and vagina while you were getting aroused has to go somewhere, right? A study at Brown found that your orgasm contracts all of those muscles to reverse the blood flow and make your lady parts less swollen and heavy once you cum.


Your Orgasm May Not Feel The Same As Everyone Else's

Although the act of an orgasm, as in what an orgasm actually is and what happens to your brain, are the same, they can feel different from person to person. Depending on the type of stimulation, context, and duration of sex, your orgasm may be physiologically the same, but be a whole new experience from someone else's.


Your Orgasm Makes You Want To Cuddle

When you orgasm, your body releases oxytocin, known as the "cuddle hormone." It makes your body want to bond, be affectionate, and even protect your partner, resulting in a cuddle sesh after you cum.


You're More Likely To Have One With A Steady Partner

A 2012 research study found that women were more likely to have orgasms while in a relationship or with a steady partner than a random hook-up. Whether it's because hook-ups are often started with alcohol or because you're more comfortable with a long-term partner, it's worth keeping in mind when you want the big O.


Your Pupils Stay Dilated Until After You Come

If your partner's wondering if you're faking an orgasm, apparently they only have to look into your eyes. Your pupils will dilate slightly when you're having an orgasm and will stay that way until after you climax.


You Might Be Able To Have One Just From Kissing

Well that could cut out some work, huh? Apparently about 20 percent of women can cum just from a good old fashioned make-out sesh on the couch.


Your Pain Threshold Increases During Orgasm

Yep, it's true. As The Atlantic reports, when in the midst of having an orgasm, we can tolerate a whole lot more pain than usual. Maybe that's the reason orgasms during labor became a thing? Or maybe that's why pain during sex is so pleasurable for some people? Either way, if you're feeling achy, have yourself an orgasm.


Your Brain Experiences Its Own Fireworks

While the part of your brain that handles fear and anxiety may be dulled during an orgasm, Women's Health notes that there's a whole lot of other things happening in that noggin of yours. Your genital sensory cortex lights up with the first touch, hippocampus is alerted with continued stimulation, and your amygdala turns on to handle intense feelings and emotions. Then, as your orgasm starts, your cerebellum amps up the tension in your thighs and butt while your frontal cortex, the one holding all of those sexual fantasies, lights up. Your anterior cingulate cortex and insula then turn on to dull down any pain, while your hypothalamus releases all of that oxytocin. And once your orgasm is done, your brain takes a well-deserved break. Isn't science amazing?

Images: volkovslava/Fotolia; Giphy (9)