
Joellen L Armstrong/Foto;lia

Can Baby See The Penis During Pregnancy Sex?

Nobody wants their kids to be privy to their sex life, but when you're pregnant, your baby kind of gets a front row seat. I know, it's weird — just don't think about it. They say sex is safe when you're pregnant, and it is, but the fear that your baby is somehow aware of your intimacy can be pretty mind boggling. I mean, don't they know what's going on? More importantly — can the baby see the penis when you have sex while pregnant?

OK, don't panic. Let's make one thing very clear — your baby has no idea what's going on during sex. According to Mayo Clinic, your little one is totally protected while you're getting it on, and won't be touched by your partner's penis or anywhere close to it. Your baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, in your uterus, and your cervix is closed as well. Seriously, it's Fort Knox in there. No peen is going to make it through to your baby.

According to Parents, the only way your partner's penis would be able to come in contact with the baby is if your cervix isn't fully closed. And if that's the case? You shouldn't be having sex anyway. Also, while you might like to imagine that your baby has X-ray vision like Superman, they can't see through your cervix to even witness a penis. In fact, they can't see hardly anything in the womb. Parenting noted that while a baby's eyes are generally open around the seventh month of pregnancy, it's so dark in the womb that they can't really see a whole lot or make anything out.

And, OK, even if you want to imagine that your baby has a flashlight and can see through the amniotic fluid, uterine wall, and your cervix, trust me — they have no idea what a penis is or what's happening. (And even if they did, they won't remember). In fact, according to What to Expect, the rocking motion of sex may actually lull your baby to sleep. With all that movement and sleep to be had, the last thing your baby is curious about is the penis in your vagina.

Because they have no idea what a penis or vagina is. Trust me on this.

If you feel your baby kicking away while you're getting it on, don't worry about that either. I know it's off-putting to have your baby remind you that they are right there (like, literally right there, mom) while you're trying to orgasm, but don't think of it that way. Your baby's just kicking and moving around like normal and they will never have any memories of a penis coming towards them, no matter how great your partner thinks his penis is.