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How Breastfeeding Affects Your Body Temperature

It's amazing how much of your body changes when you're breastfeeding, yet it's doing the exact thing it was made to do. I mean, producing milk to actually keep another human being nourished? That's wild, right? But the actual act of breastfeeding can make you feel different, too. I remember never having an issue with the heat until I started nursing my daughter. But was I sweaty because I had a baby all snuggled up against me or does breastfeeding affect your body temperature?

There are plenty of women who have noted temperature changes while they are breastfeeding, whether they feel hot or cold. Some things could factor into why that happens, like if your baby is all snuggled up in a blanket or if you're postpartum and feeling cold. But it doesn't necessarily mean breastfeeding is the reason behind it. Lactation consultant Tera Kelley Hamann tells me that she hasn't heard a lot about breastfeeding affecting your body temperature. "Your breasts will increase in temperature by up to two degrees to meet the needs of the baby," she says. "But that's the only body temperature change that comes to mind in regards to breastfeeding."

When snuggling a baby, two degrees could potentially make you feel warm. Even Parents noted that your breasts can become swollen and flushed after delivering your baby, which can lead to feeling warmer than usual.

But if you're feeling cold while breastfeeding, it could be because of your postpartum body changes. A study on postpartum women found that out of 97 patients, 32 percent of them experienced postpartum chills.

The important thing to remember is that extreme temperature changes while breastfeeding could mean something else is up. According to the Mayo Clinic, a high temperature while nursing could potentially mean you have a breast infection like mastitis. And a lower temperature, especially feeling cold in the hands and feet, could be a sign of anemia, noted the Mayo Clinic, which could be an issue for breastfeeding women.

If you're concerned about your body temperature, it's best to reach out to a lactation consultant to make sure you aren't suffering from a fever or any other issues.